June Bears of the Month - Shane & Sara Fisher


Well, Bear Fans, summer is here and that means fun and family! We can’t think of a more perfect couple that represents both of those things in the Noble Alumni Community than our very own Shane & Sara Fisher!

These two crazy kids have been Bears for a long time and we are so proud to highlight them this month!


Shayne was born in Lubbock, Texas but grew up in Noble, Oklahoma.  He graduated from Noble in 1995 attending Noble schools all (12) years.  He loved school and graduated receiving the attendance award for never missing a day of school.  He was All-State in both Football and Baseball and received a scholarship to play baseball at the University of Oklahoma where he played for (2) years.  He was the winning pitcher for the first ever Big 12 tournament which has been used as a trivia question on Sport’s radio shows due to its obscurity. He ended his baseball career playing (2) years at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant where he graduated and earned his Bachelor of Science Degree.

Sara was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey and moved to Oklahoma at a young age.  She started going to Noble schools in 3rd Grade and graduated in 1995.  Sara was the Student Council President, Class Vice President, and played softball and basketball in school.  Sara loved being active at Noble High School and loved all the opportunities it gave her to participate in many different things.  She received a PLC scholarship to the University of Oklahoma where she earned her Business Degree majoring in both Management and MIS.    


Shayne and Sara got married in March of 2000 and have (2) sons who are both in Noble Schools, Austin who will be a Senior next school year and Colin, who will be a Freshman.  They’ve lived in Noble since getting married and are both extremely active in the community.

Shayne has coached both Austin and Colin since they were (4) years old on their football, basketball and baseball teams as either the head or assistant coach.  He’s volunteered through the schools as the Middle School Assistant Baseball Coach for (2) years and High School Baseball Coach (1) year before being hired on as an Assistant Coach last year and is also an active member of the football booster club.  Sara volunteered in Noble’s Youth sports for (8) years being on both the Noble Youth Baseball Association Board and Noble Youth Basketball Association Board (following in her parent’s footsteps who were both extremely active in the NYBA while she and her siblings were in youth sports).  Once Austin and Colin moved to school sports, she became an active volunteer with the Bear Down Booster Club (football) for the past (6) years and Bullpen Booster Club (Baseball) for the past (4) years.


They have the most incredible family that has not only supported them, but they have all been active members in the Noble Community as well.  Shayne’s mom recently purchased a home in Noble and his brother and sister-in-law both graduated from Noble (Brandon and Debra Fisher).  Their son, Braden, will be a Senior next year along with Austin. It has been so much fun watching them grow up together. Sara’s parents have always been huge supporters of the Noble Community whether through the Chamber or supporting the schools and sports programs.  She has 3 siblings - a sister, Kate, who is a middle school math teacher at CIMS and will be the CIMS girls’ basketball coach next year. Their oldest daughter just graduated from high school and younger daughter will be a 5th grader next year – a brother, Isaac, who graduated from Noble and currently lives in Norman with his wife and two kids and  - a brother, Andy, who graduated from Noble and married his high school sweetheart, Becca, who is a teacher at Noble. They have (3) kids that all attend Noble Public Schools.

Shayne is an Insurance Agent for Farmers Insurance and has an office off Classen just North of Noble.  Sara, along with her parents, owns Sun Construction Services, a commercial general contracting company, which is located off Main Street in Noble.


We asked this dynamic duo some questions about life in general and about growing up as a Noble Bear, and here is what they both had to say…


Shayne:  I learned a lot growing up in Noble and loved the experience of having a tight-knit group of friends, who I’m still great friends with to this day.   With the help of my teacher, coaches and community I was able to learn the importance of being humble, confident and always being kind to others. My coaches probably shaped me the most as I loved playing sports.  They pushed me to compete at an extremely high level that has carried on to this day.

Sara:  Growing up in Noble completely changed me.  I was extremely shy as a child – would rarely speak unless I absolutely had to and did not have many friends.  I remember in 5th grade my parents were bound and determined to get me active and enrolled me in softball.  I cried the entire way there, refusing to play. My parents did not back down, and it is the best thing that ever happened to me.  Sports brought me out of my shell, taught me how to set goals and the satisfaction in achieving them and the determination to work harder when I failed.  Sports taught me how to deal with adversity and the importance of communication and working together that I currently use in the Construction Field. I made some lifelong friends at Noble that, to this day, are some of the closest people to me.  I had the ability to participate and be active in a lot of different things throughout school which led me to the position I’m in now. I absolutely love our community and our schools and have no doubt they were extremely influential in shaping me into the person I am today.



Shayne:  My favorite memories of growing up in Noble was being the torch carrier at the Hubbard Olympics, baseball games at Musgrave field, going to the Rose Rock Festival, summertime with friends, swimming at the High School swimming pool, having shaving cream fights on the last day of school, field trips, Friday Night Lights and spending time with my close friends and classmates.  

Sara:  My favorite memories include playing sports, I wasn’t great, but loved being a part of the team and the bonds that were made with my teammates.  I had a blast at the school dances, STUCO and DECA trips. Friday Night Lights were the best and we travelled everywhere, including Guymon, to watch our Bears play.  I loved High School in general especially being around our classmates, many who were and still are dear friends.



Shayne:  This one is tough because I had so many from Mrs. Hallmark at KID to Mrs. Smith at Pioneer, Mr. and Mrs. Caddell during my Junior High days and Mrs. Massengale, Coach Peck and Mrs. Rogers in High School.  All my teachers were great and contributed to the person I am today. Athletically speaking, my coaches had a huge impact on me growing up and I am extremely grateful for all the time they invested in me. While each one played a big part in my youth, I would like to give a special that you to Coach Ware, Coach Monroe and Coach Haworth – a lot of great memories were made with them.  As a parent, coaching my own children, I understand the amount of time and energy that coaches give to their athletes and I had some of the best.

Sara:  For the most part, the teachers I had in Noble were amazing and the crazy thing is, that the ones who weren’t, still taught me a lot.  Through them, I learned how to deal with all types of people, how to handle things when they don’t go the way you want, and that life isn’t always fair.  There are so many that molded me into the person I am, but there’s one that had a major impact on my life. She was my 5th Grade teacher, Mrs. Wilson.  She only taught at Pioneer for (1) year but she definitely made a difference in my life.  As stated earlier, I was extremely shy and had few friends. The friends I did have were in other classes, so I did not enjoy being in her class.  One day she took me out in the hall and sat with me to find out what she could do to help make school enjoyable for me – she invested in me and went out of her way to make sure I wanted to be there.  She succeeded and at the end of the year, we were all devastated to see her leave. I will forever be grateful for the attention and love that she gave me when I needed it most.

We have several friends and family members that teach or are admins in Noble.  We can’t say enough how blessed we are to be part of a school system that truly gets how important it is to connect with their students.  We are so grateful that our boys have been taught by some of the very best, that have impacted them the way our teacher’s and coaches impacted us.  #blessedtobeabear



Shayne:  My words of advice for current students is to surround yourself with positive thinking people that make good choices and to work hard early in life so you can live on your own terms.

Sara:  Make the most of every situation, whether good or bad, there’s always a lot to learn and get out of it.  Work hard, participate and be active in as much as you possibly can and most of all – have fun!! Life gets a lot more serious after high school so try to soak it all in and don’t sweat the small stuff.



Shayne:  My personal definition of success is being able to say at the end of the day that I did my best for myself and my family and that I have no regrets for the decisions I made.  Live life one day at a time and enjoy it.

Sara:  My personal definition of success is happiness and contentment.  If you’re able to work at a job that you enjoy more than you don’t,  go home to a supportive family that loves you unconditionally, be surrounded by friends that you can laugh with during the good and cry with during the bad and overall feel happy and content at the end of the day – you have succeeded.


The Fisher family has been long time, consistent financial supporters of the Noble Public Schools Foundation, because they believe in our mission of providing additional funding to classrooms for Noble Public Schools. Both graduates of NHS Class of 1995 they issue a challenge to ALL ‘95 graduates to donate NOW - your class has reached $400 of it’s $1000 class goal for our current 50 for 50 fundraising campaign.

To donate NOW to the Class of ‘95 goal, click here.

If you are not a member of the Class of ‘95 - no problem! Follow this link to find your class and give TODAY for the “Class Wars” contest for the Foundation Endowment!

We are incredibly grateful for the amazing alumni and current families of this community for supporting our mission to provide opportunities that enrich and enhance academic excellence for all students of Noble Public Schools.